Our Impact

Across the UK

At Hope into Action, we are on a mission to tackle large and complex social issues. Deep-rooted social problems that compound the trauma of homelessness. Addiction. Crime. Lack of financial security and know-how. Social stigma. And most of all poverty of relationships.

We housed 321 people
114 Homes Now Open
111 Churches
partnering with us

abstained from crime


gained employment


maintained their tenancy


of those taking drugs
reduced their intake


improved their physical
and mental health

National statistics from Hope into Action UK

The Impact of Hope into Action: Black Country Areas


maintained their tenancy

In total we gave a home to 38 male adults including homeless Brits, refugees, asylum seekers and migrant workers. We also temporarily housed 3 wives along with their husbands.


abstained from crime

77% of those who had previously been in custody, abstained from crime. 10 out of the 13 people who had previously been to prison returned to custody. The others are still on the straight and narrow.


of those taking drugs reduced their intake

This is still an area we have struggled in however it is hoped that the addition of a specialist in substance misuse to the team will empower more tenants to overcome issues of alcohol and drugs in their lives.


improved social relations with their family

Relationships are key to turning lives around.


in volunteer education or training

The majority of our residents are studying at college or doing in-work training to upskill and improve their prospects.


gained employment

About a third of our tenants are consistently finding work and paying their way in preparation for moving on to independent living.


moved on positively

Of the 20 tenants who moved on, 16 of them moved on positively having gained life skills and built networks of support around them.

Tenant Stories

Behind every statistic is someone's story. Here are a few stories that show how our our tenants are using these outcomes as building blocks to change their lives

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